
Oasis Muslim Care Foundation

OMCF has been in active collaboration with other organizations in order to achieve the objectives for which it was established. Our activities have since expanded to include public enlightenment programmes on radio, TV, and in rural as well as urban communities.

Our main source of funds is from donations from kind-hearted individuals who provide donations through several platforms. We gather these funds and deploy them to cater for the needs of our beneficiaries.

Our mission is to provide succour to needy Muslims who fall under the category of the sick, widows and orphans.

Our vision is to be a globally-recognized Muslim NGO that provides aid for needy Muslims locally and internationally.

There are very few Muslim organisations that engage in causes like this, one of the most prominent being Muslim Public Affairs Center (MPAC) . In order to reduce the burden of such organisations and individuals who are constantly being approached for funds, a project like this becomes imperative. Allah has promised the believers in the Qur’an that he will always test their faith:

And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast.Qur’an 2: 155.

We should therefore expect cases like those mentioned above to occur from time to time. Therefore, we ought to prepare for such happenings.

This is an opportunity for us to strive with our wealth as Allah said in the Quranic verse:

O you who believe! Shall I show you a commerce that will save you from a painful doom? You should believe in Allah and His messenger, and should strive for the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, if you did but know.Qur’an 61: 10-11.6

The strength of this Foundation lies in the number of contributors and not in the amount contributed. Just a token sum every month from you will save the precious souls of Muslims, ease the affairs of Muslims and earn you an unending reward from Allah!


    Acoount Number: 0039240802.
  2. Account Name: Oasis Muslim Care Foundation
    Acoount Number: 0111587424
    GT Bank



Documents Download

Are you in need of assistance?

Please download the applicable form below, fill and send to oasiscarefund@gmail.com.

Beneficiary Application Form (Sick/Patients).

Pledge Form

download the Pledge Form, fill it and mail to oasiscarefund@gmail.com

Upcoming Events


July, 2024

WEBINAR ON CANCER: Causes, Prevention and Mangement

Sunday | 4:30pm Prompt